The complete purchase process of sol mobile phone:

Purchase address:

Purchase process: After entering, directly click (Preorder) in the upper right corner to pre-order.

Fill in the information

The billing address entered here is not the mailing address.

The mailing address will be confirmed with you again.

Enter your usual email address. We will probably send you an email when you need to fill in your mailing address later.

You should also leave your frequently used mobile phone number, with +86 in front.

Finally click Continue to payment. Finish!

payment info

Additional information: Fill in your ID card number here, preferably your own.

Then select Solana pay to pay and click pay now

Then click to connect the wallet and make the payment.

Process diagram

Information filling process

Fill in the email address
Pay with USDC - now the price has gone up and is 500u

When the interface shown below appears, the purchase is successful, and the official will send an order confirmation record to the email address you left.

Successful purchase display, and check the email order information

The above is the complete process. If you don’t understand anything, you can leave a message at any time. If you successfully purchase, you can send me a private message. I have a service here and will synchronize all the latest airdrop information of SOL as soon as possible.