Recently, the EOS system resource RAM has hit new highs in the past three months. The price has risen from the bottom of 0.016 to 0.24, an increase of 1,500%+, and the number of pots exceeds 20 million US dollars.

Recently, the RAM transfer proposal passed node voting and was successfully executed. Defibox, as the leading DeFi exchange of EOS, has synchronized a new upgrade of the RAM system: Defibox RAM can support the EOS mainnet RAM transfer function, which allows users to transfer RAM to Defibox and obtain The bRAM certificate enables free conversion between RAM and bRAM; it provides a full range of functions such as RAM price viewing, purchase, sale, and transfer. Everyone is welcome to experience it.

To buy RAM, please come to https://defibox.io/ram/

#EOS #RAM #BOX #热门话题 #DeFi