Capx Chain has allocated 15,000,000 CAPX tokens (1.5% of the token supply) to the incentivized testnet program.

First step : Go to https://app.capx.fi/home

Use İnvite Code: 9HUFVY

Complete the tasks

On-chain Point System: We have implemented a novel reward system named "UNITS," an on-chain (ERC20) point system designed to incentivize members of the Capx app and contributors to the Capx chain. The Capx App members can simply complete various tasks, as well as participate in the Capx App referral program to earn UNITS. These UNITS will later be converted into CAPX tokens.

The 15,000,000 CAPX tokens are distributed based on independent performance + relative position of the person in the system. There are 3 deciding factors based on which the rewards will be distributed to the participants -

Number of UNITs Earned & Staked: an on-chain point system on Capx Chain

Capx Profile ID Mint Number: the earlier you mint, the more tokens you earn

Type of Season Pass: Alpha, Beta, Gamma & Delta

The ‘type of season’ pass is a contributing factor along with the other 2 factors that decide the amount of CAPX tokens the participants will be rewarded. Consider the “type” of season pass as the overarching factor that determines how Capx will segregate the early participants from newer participants.

EXAMPLE: If there are two participants who have minted the ‘Alpha’ season pass, then the amount of CAPX tokens to be rewarded to each of them will be based on their UNITS earned & staked + their ID mint no. Combining these 2 contributing factors, these participants will be rewarded from the reward pool of 5,000,000 CAPX tokens.


In order to participate in the incentivized testnet campaign, it is important for the participants to mint their ‘Season Pass’. The Season pass is a soul-bound NFT that gives them the access to the incentivized testnet, as well as the associated rewards.

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