In the previous post I talked about how Bangladeshi economy face a significant change due to some changes in education system.

In this post we will share how we got 1000%+ profit stock market of this small country while every VC and AM lost money.

In the previous post, we mentioned that due to pressure from USA empire and UN policy makers, Bangladesh was forced to change there year old Education system following India. The old education system was definitely the best, gifting the world some brilliant scholars.

In the new education system, they are focusing on late marriage, feminism, pre marital relationships, normalisation of year old taboo, LGBTQ +. All though those are good in eyes of capitalism in America or Europe. In that part of Asia, these are totally against the religion and culture.

Although India did similar and got a economic growth, things didn’t worked out for Bangladesh. There was a huge bull trend in the market, as VC and AM from America and Europe keep investing in Bangladesh. For them it was a bullish signal.

Where we saw potential protest and we stated to sell out our stocks at high rate and taking money out from the country.

As we predicted, a professor of BARC university, in a meeting of teacher board, protested against the new education system. BARC is a powerful stock in Bangladesh and they have Bank, NGO, University everything. They fired the professor immediately.

The market saw a bullish move on BARC stock, and other NGO stocks in Bangladesh.

Meanwhile we pull out total 4 billion USD, which is about 5% of total market cap of Dhaka Stock Exchange.

So as we predicted protest began, everyone was boycotting BRAC. The share market started collapsing. Most companies lost 50% of their value. Even VG lost few billions.

Some stocks went 0. We saw this again a potential, and started putting money in. We put 10 billion in different name under different companies. Within a month Bangladeshi Stock Market 📈 is bullish again. We are on overall 1000+ profit.

But the movement against the new education system is still on going.
