#CLV Journey

Update 5: With regards to my previous post

Good day !

The price indeed surpassed my LH1 and now we have a nice pullback. As you can see in the first picture there's a green box which indicates my 1st entry and below it is my possible 2nd entry. As you can see as well the 3rd and 4th pictures below, for transparency sake, I started with $77 buying #bonk and turned it to $234 by spot trading. For those who are new in this kind of business I suggest you start with spot trading and later on if you're confident enough trading with your edge try leverage with risk management. I will divide my new capital $234 into 3 so I'll be entering 3 times. I'll be updating my trades as long as I can. For now I will wait for the price to enter in the green box for my 1st entry. Keep safe and ✌be with you all!

Tip 5 : Quality over quantity

#NotFinancialAdvice #MyOwnOpinion #DoYourOwnResearch