Every day, in the oppressive silence of conflicts, innocent lives are lost in Congo. Children, women, entire families are torn apart by violence and terror. But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerges. Yesterday we launched a call for help, an invitation to compassion and solidarity. We began to collect donations, simple gestures but with immense power for change.

Today I ask you to join us. With only $404 raised so far, we still have a long way to go to provide relief to victims of this crisis. Every item of clothing you no longer wear, every dollar you can donate, no matter how small, can make a difference in the lives of those who are suffering.

Imagine for a moment the warmth of a piece of clothing given to someone who has lost everything, or the hope that a dollar can bring to rebuild what has been destroyed. Together, we have the power to transform lives, to sow seeds of hope where despair reigns.

Join us in this noble cause. May your generosity be the symbol of your humanity, may your gift be the testimony of your compassion. Together, we can ease the burden of those who suffer and illuminate their path to a better future. Every gesture counts. Every life matters.

Address of the USDT account containing the donations received for greater clarity:


BTC address for people who would like to do something to support:


$BTC #usdtcrypto