Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried Trades Mackerel in Prison: The New Prison Economy.

Former #ftx CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, who has recently been convicted, has turned to trading fish while in jail. According to The Wall Street Journal, Bankman-Fried traded four packets of Mackerel, known as "macks" in prison, for a haircut before his trial last month. Mackerel packets have become a popular trading commodity in US prisons since the ban on tobacco products. The commissary at the Metropolitan Detention Center, where Bankman-Fried is housed, sells mackerel packets for $1.30. Bankman-Fried is sharing a cell with former Honduran President Juan HernĂĄndez and a former senior Mexican police officer. Martin Shkreli, who spent time in federal prison, confirmed that mackerel packets are a common currency in jails. Bankman-Fried, a vegan, does not eat mackerel but finds them easier to trade. He was recently denied his request to be released from prison while he awaits sentencing for fraud and money laundering charges. #EthereumHigh #FTXCase #ftx