The pursuit of higher profits in trading can unexpectedly increase risks. The lure of quick money and attractive headlines often lure us into this world. But once we achieve success, we often become more carefree.
Often the scenario is as follows: we start with a small amount, get used to it, try different strategies. When we finally start seeing consistent profits, we dream bigger.
However, what to do next? Many people immediately want to scale their efforts, increasing the amount tenfold. But is it worth the risk?
Experienced traders know that it is important to grow gradually and proportionately. If you can't manage $10,000 effectively, what will change if you have $100,000? Probably only increasing the risk of loss.
However, this does not mean that you need to remain stagnant. Strive for continuous growth, but do so carefully. If you're successfully managing $1,000, why not try increasing it to $2,500 or $5,000?
Develop gradually but confidently. Success in trading depends not only on money, but also on professional growth and stability.