Payment of American university tuition with cryptocurrency


It should be noted that Bentley University is no stranger to cryptocurrency and blockchain, and last year, after creating an NFT in honor of one of the former coaches of the women's basketball team of this university, it became the first university in the world to create an NFT.


Bentley University, located in Massachusetts, USA, has recently announced that it is also possible to pay university tuition through cryptocurrency. According to the official statement of this university, it is supposed to be possible to pay tuition with Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDC in cooperation with the Coinbase exchange.

In this way, Bentley will be the first university in the United States to accept the use of digital currencies for tuition payments.

Also, Bentley University has announced that in addition to accepting cryptocurrencies as tuition, this university will also accept donations and donations in the form of these three cryptocurrencies.