•In 2024, many people expect the cryptocurrency market to skyrocket. However, not all digital currencies will benefit from this rise, but especially a certain group of currencies. Which currencies should we focus on? There are thousands of currencies in this exciting market. Today we will look at 4 digital currencies that are very important to focus on and monitor their performance in the coming period.

•What are the 4 most important digital currencies on the scene currently?

•The top 4 digital currencies on the scene are #SUI,SEI,APT,and.ARB . These choices are not random, but are subject to certain laws.

•The most important law in the cryptocurrency market is that it is a very speculative market. This means severe fluctuation in the price of currencies and also means that the market depends on marketing and hype too much. Therefore, if you want to bet on a crazy increase in a digital currency, your chances will most likely be better betting on new, new currencies. These currencies are currencies that have not yet had a full market cycle. That is, it has been on the scene for at most two or three years. But in particular, we must focus here on the currencies offered in the markets during the past year, 2023.

•Therefore, your choices will fall on currencies that were put into circulation in 2023 and have a lot of hype and a lot of community support on various means of communication.

•That is why we chose these currencies. All of these currencies were launched in 2023 with the exception of Aptos, which was launched at the end of 2022. All of these currencies have huge budgets to create a large blockchain that competes with Solana. Here it can be noted that Arbitrum considers Blockchain a second layer on Ethereum. All of these currencies have huge investors and also community support on various social networks. All of these currencies are also listed on major trading platforms such as Binance, OKEx, and others.

•We know more about each of these currencies.

•SUI coin is Solana's biggest competitor

•The purpose of creating the Solana network was to compete with Ethereum. This is because the Ethereum network is slow and its gas fees are high. The Solana network has grown to become one of the largest crypto ecosystems. But it did not compete with Ethereum, but was used in a different way by traders. It is now the preferred place to trade meme currencies and NFT tokens, in addition to making small-scale money transfers.

•Soon, new projects began to appear that sought to compete with the Solana network, eliminate it, and take its place as the fastest blockchain network in the crypto world.

•The SUI team was one of the fastest teams to respond to this, and a very strong team was established, most of which were former employees of the famous Meta or Facebook company. The team succeeded in launching the currencies in 2023 and obtaining huge funding from major investors. But this also means the centralization of the project due to the centralization of the distribution of currencies to a specific group of investors.

•However, the price of the currency was subjected to very strong selling pressure during the year 2023, which led to a severe decline in its price. This decline attracted a lot of capital to the currency and its project, and thus its price began to increase insanely. It is expected that this currency will be one of the biggest competitors during the upcoming bull market.

•APT coin is Solana's second competitor

•The Aptos network is the second network that competes with Solana and is trying to replace it as the fastest network in the crypto world to complete transactions. But the network was mainly supported by Alameda which was the investment arm of FTX platform. When the FTX platform fell, along with Alameda, there was a lot of talk about the currency price being subjected to intense selling pressure in order to pay off FTX’s debts.

•The network is based on the Proof of Stake mechanism and is a highly centralized network with large investors controlling it. It was subjected to severe criticism because of this, but despite this, the price of the currency took off strongly at the beginning of 2023. However, it was soon subjected to intense selling pressure, which made the price of the currency decline strongly. After this, the price began to stabilize and form a bottom last October, and it has been increasing continuously since then, but not strongly.

•But APT currency is also considered one of the 4 most important digital currencies on the scene due to the network’s constant marketing. Also, the project getting rid of Alameda as one of its supporters is considered a matter in the network’s interest and may push it forward in the future.

•SEI coin

•The SEI coin is one of the newer coins that was launched at the end of 2023. The SEI network seeks to provide services to traders in particular. Here, the network cannot be likened to Solana, since it targets traders, and therefore it can be likened to the Injective network. The network specializes in providing a first layer of decentralized finance for construction and development at low cost and high speed.

•Therefore, especially futures or trading platforms will thrive on the SEI ecosystem. But there must be adoption of this ecosystem. So far, the network seems to be attracting a lot of interest from different people, which is a good thing. It is considered one of the 4 most important digital currencies because, as we said, it is a new currency and there is a lot of hype around it and it is listed on the major platforms.

•Arb coin of the Arbitrum network


•The Arbitrum network has had a lot of hype since its launch. Especially because crypto traders did not know whether there would be a currency for the network or whether it would still use ETH for gas fees. Therefore, when the Arb airdrop was announced, it caused a lot of hype in the field of digital currencies

•The Arbitrum network is one of the largest and most important ecosystems on the Ethereum network. This is due to its success in creating an integrated and diverse ecosystem between blockchain games, decentralized finance, decentralized platforms, and others. So far, the pressure on network usage is considered very good, and this is important because it increases the value of the network.

•The network has successfully supported the Ethereum network and is currently competing directly with Polygon and Optimism for control of the largest possible amount of transactions on the Ethereum network. The currency is currently increasing in price since last October. For this reason, we expect it to be one of the 4 most important currencies in 2024 due to the continuous rise in its price. Recently, the term Arbi season began to appear, which means the revival of the ecosystem and the increase of currencies on the Arbitrum ecosystem whenever the price of the ARB currency increases.


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