The market slowly starts moving again towards $50k but both sides don't trust it yet.

They call it a "scam pump" or fake-out before the real further down move to low 30s to buy back in.

Sector 3 effect ✅

4ïžâƒŁ The real bull market begins.

Bitcoin is back at $50k again but it doesn't dump?

The market is moving back up and traders are in disbelief.

They buy back in when the market is close to making new highs.

The cycle repeats itself.

While some may say "it's easy to speak in hindsight and tell us what happened in sector 1 and 2 now that it has already happened"

While I don't have a crystal ball and every thesis is a little bit of speculation I did previously express my thoughts on a post I made before the approval and it came out as expected.

There are certain patterns in the market that keep repeating itself to a certain extent.

No prediction is perfect but some things do often rhyme. You just have to understand that this is a game between you and the market makers and to win, you have to think like one of them.

Especially when it comes to trapping traders.

What was the ideal approach?

You just had to wait.

It's no secret that the market favour's investors vs traders.

Most of us have been waiting for years (bear market) so a few more weeks or months was easy.

But traders? Those are the ones the market tries to flush out.

And it almost succeeds every time.

Bob thinks he's a pro trader but Bob gets rekt every time.

Don't get rekt like Bob because neither him nor you can time the markets.

Don't get flushed out. Just HODL. Remember FOMO is a sin

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