I will review my experience of entering the circle, tell it to myself and encourage myself, and I also hope to encourage each other with my old friends, coin friends, friends, and strangers.

I invested 300,000 RNB in ​​the market in November 2020 (I don’t know how to check the exact date, can anyone tell me?). That afternoon, I was browsing YouTube and saw a financial video about Bitcoin. I suddenly became interested, and then I searched for various things, and then contacted a friend I had met a few times...

In fact, I have been involved in the cryptocurrency circle since 2016, but I won’t go into details here… Speaking of which, it should be a TV series…

I asked for advice from my friend who has been in the cryptocurrency circle. He once worked with the author of the book "Self-cultivation of Leeks". That afternoon, I called him and said I wanted to buy some coins. He suggested that if you want to buy, you can buy some Bitcoin and Ethereum, and don't touch other coins. To this day, I am grateful to my friend for his good intentions... He was afraid that I would buy fake coins randomly and get cut. I really appreciate it. This has no necessary connection with whether I make money or how much money I make. Because I deeply feel his kindness.

Next, I bought more than 200,000 bitcoins and tens of thousands of Ethereums, with an average price of about 28,000 bitcoins and 580 to 630 Ethereums... I was full of confidence, holding on to the expectation of a bull market, and participating in the financial revolution of the new century...

But I make the same mistakes that almost all newbies make.

In the first few months, I kept holding on to my Bitcoins as my friend had told me to do, without doing anything else… But as time went on, I watched other coins increase tenfold or even dozens of times, and I couldn’t hold back any longer… I wavered… I started changing positions, I sold my Bitcoins and bought coins that had increased several times…

The result was that I was trapped (a few months later, there was a drop). Then, as you would expect, I started chasing the ups and downs again...

So even though the market has been rising, my position has only increased slightly. In fact, this is already lucky, because the rise of the market has made up for my losses from frequent position changes and chasing ups and downs...

Therefore, by the middle and late stages of 2021, my position only doubled. Even for this doubling, I had to use almost 80% of my position and cash it out the night before Shitcoin was listed on Huobi.

At this point, you should understand that I made almost no money in the last bull market. At the end of 2021 and before the Spring Festival of 2022, I sold 280,000 yuan. At that time, there was still more than 300,000 yuan on the account. Then, as you know, this more than 300,000 yuan was basically worthless in 2022 and 2023...

Looking back on my experiences in the cryptocurrency circle over the past few years, sometimes I really want to slap myself to death: I didn’t buy Bnb at more than 3 dollars, but I bought it at more than 600... I took 8,000 sols when it was $1 and sold it at $2, and then it went directly to $10 and $100... I bought 20,000 bscpads at $0.5 for the new issue, and I didn’t sell them at $1.4... and so on and so forth, a bunch of opportunities were wasted!

OK… the past is the past, I will summarize the following points and share them with you, even though I don’t have two fans (but I am grateful to my fans 😀, thank you for your attention):

1. The general trend is definitely OK. With the development of science and technology, civilizations tend to be synchronized (although the current situation in the world seems to be increasingly fragmented, in the end, civilization will definitely defeat barbarism and democracy will defeat autocracy). Decentralization is bound to be a trend, but the process is definitely tortuous, because there will inevitably be conflicts between decentralization and centralization (political forces, regimes), so it is increasingly regulated, or in other words, transparent supervision can only make the currency circle more and more law-abiding, unless one day, I don’t know which day, civilization evolves to the point where all mankind is no longer willing to be harvested by unlimited issuance...

2. Don’t change positions frequently, and don’t chase rising and falling prices. Even though the coins in your basket have not taken off, hold them. But the premise is that the coins have good technical fundamentals, because when the bull market comes, pigs can really soar to the sky.

3. Don’t play contracts (since I entered the circle, I have lost more than 100,000 RMB in total in contracts). Especially high leverage, basically meat buns, legal dogs. This is the same as a casino, or even worse than a casino. You should know that there is a saying in casinos that they are not afraid of you winning, but afraid that you don’t come. Contracts are not afraid of you winning, but afraid that you don’t play... High leverage is basically giving away money. Don’t forget that dog dealers are even more excessive than casinos. There is a killer move, inserting needles!

4. Pay attention to the big trends and the economic situation. When you reach the profit you want, you should stop when you are ahead, such as doubling or doubling your profit... Because you are not sure about the exact top and bottom. No one in this world knows the truth, unless you travel through time! So make a part of the profit, don't think about taking it all, buy at the center of the earth and sell at the end of the universe...

5. Don’t be too anxious. Life and death are determined by fate, and wealth is determined by God. Just let nature take its course. Let me say it again: make the most of what you can!

I don’t have many fans, thank you for your attention.