WHAT NOW ? Did it start ?
I’m kinda new into crypto, comes back to 2020 when i first bought 10€ and ended up with lunc fallin to the ground, still got my luncs in the bag, and i started stuying. Blockchain, the markets etc.. well knowledge is something that neither crypto or anything else can take it from you.. I want to thank Mickaelk001 for showing me the course i needed.
I’m a father of three beautifull kids and its a lot of Bills and low paycheck its hard to keep € to invest.
As i was thaught save money from small things, plan, do your maths and start with as low as 1$ everyday, so by the end of the month you have 30€.. thats sounds way better right? 😂
Even through our baby was only 3 months and i crashed hard on my dirt wanna be jarvis bike and had to go straight to the block to get a surgery done i ripped a 13cm bit of my leg having half milimeter to the main artery… three months off work, our health afair pays only 70% of your regular paycheck..
I’m really proud of having a beautifull loving wife that got me the three more important things in my life, and taking care of me.
But i never stop saving those 30€ a month for a copule of months and know what?
Is this the track for my finnacial freedom? Will i take profit on time?
So fuc… damn questions that no one is sure of anything.
I believe i’m on my way there, even if it takes 10% of population joining crypto!
And you? Do you know where your going ?