DigiByte (DGB)
What is Digibyte's (DGB) proposal?
Digibyte (DGB) is an open-source blockchain network created in 2013 but only launched in 2014. Its main objectives are to diversify the security, speed and capacity solutions on the market. To this end, it relies on algorithms that guarantee security and prevent the monopoly of tokens.
Digibyte was founded by Jarade Tate. The developer was involved with Bitcoin until 2012, while writing the book Blockchain 2035: The Digital DNA of Internet 3.0. He gained experience in the subject and is 100% in control of the Digibyte project today.
As mentioned, the network uses five different algorithms to guarantee security, capacity and speed to users: Sha256, Scrypt, Skein, Qubit and Odocrypt. This makes the investor's experience when mining Digibyte more satisfactory, practical and faster.
Advantages of the Digibyte network
As expected, this DeFi (decentralized finance) network provides unique benefits to users. First of all, it is based on smart contract systems, decentralized applications and customizable tokens to offer greater security and practicality.
In addition, it is worth mentioning that Digibyte has never carried out an ICO (initial coin offering), nor does it have a CEO or any type of controlling company. After all, it is a globally voluntary DeFi system guided by the community.
In terms of security, it can be said that the project leaves nothing to be desired. This is because it has the cryptographic algorithms already mentioned, in addition to a difficulty of adjustment in real time.