Bio Protocol (BIO) is a cryptocurrency that, as of January 3rd, 2025, has a price of $0.8244 USD, representing an increase of 4.5% over the past 24 hours.

The market cap of BIO is approximately $1,335,883,987 USD, with a circulating supply of 1,620,000,000 BIO and a maximum supply of 3,320,000,000 BIO.

Over the past 24 hours, the trading volume for BIO has been $857,102,467 USD, indicating significant activity in the market.

The price of BIO has fluctuated between a low of $0.6738 and a high of $0.8890 over the past 24 hours.

The all-time high of BIO is $0.8890, reached on January 3, 2025, while the all-time low is $0.6738, recorded on the same day.

BIO can be traded on several centralized cryptocurrency exchanges, with Binance being the most popular, where the most active trading pair is BIO/USDT.

To store BIO, you can use MetaMask, manually adding the BIO contract (0xcb1592591996765ec0efc1f92599a19767ee5ffa) or by using CoinGecko's add tokens feature.

It is important to note that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and prices can change quickly. It is recommended to do thorough research and consider the risks before investing in any cryptocurrency.
