⮕ Simon’s Cat was originally an animated series created by British animator Simon Tofield:

Presented in a hand-drawn and pantomime format, the film tells the story of the daily interactions between a greedy and naughty kitten and its owner Simon. The vivid description of the cat's various "mischievous" behaviors has won it a large number of fans around the world.

It has 12 million subscribers and 1 billion views on Youtube; it also has about 13 million fans on Facebook, Instagram, X, Tiktok and other platforms

So unlike most MEME coins, $CAT had already accumulated a huge number of fans in Web2 before the token was issued, and has a complete commercial operation system through offline books, video images, fan peripherals, IP authorization, etc. The $CAT token is also an attempt by Simon's Cat in the Web3 field.

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👇 Today let’s talk about Simon’s Cat:

Simon’s Cat’s Web3 Exploration

In August 2024, Simon’s Cat launched the token $CAT. At that time, it was also doing joint activities with $FLOKI on Binance. CAT itself also made various Web3 attempts around fans and IP:

1️⃣ Branded blockchain games

Developed mobile games and Telegram applets based on Simon’s Cat, providing fans with fresh and interesting participation experiences and investment opportunities.

3️⃣ Fan/DAO Economy

Build a fan community, such as issuing fan tokens to allow holders to participate in voting decisions on the future development of the IP. Fans can jointly invest in and operate IP derivative projects.

Simon's Cat is an IP that has been fully commercially developed in all aspects, and its fan stickiness is also very good. It has strong continuous monetization capabilities and is a model of the IP transition from Web2 to Web3.

Project Highlights

1️⃣ Launched on August 22, 2024, with a transaction volume of more than $600 million on DEX and CEX within 72 hours

2️⃣ The launch of CAT caused BSC Chain’s on-chain activity to soar from an average of 4-5% over 90 days to 19.8% in six days, reaching a peak of 27.7%

3️⃣ CAT opens up Solana’s liquidity, allowing it to be traded on the BSC chain and Solana

Token Economics

  • Total CAT Supply: 8,099,954,917,916

  • Max Supply: 9,000,000,000,000 CAT
    (~10% of supply has been destroyed)

  • Circulating supply after Binance launch: 6,749,954,917,916
    (1,143,000,000,000 CAT as HODLer airdrop token reward)

#币安Alpha项目公布 #币安HODLer空投CAT、PENGU #CAT #PENGU