### 1.Clarified Instrument

It is imp to clearly define the INSTRUMENT you are trading, whether it’s Ethereum, Gold, or Bitcoin without this clarity, you may end up trading Gold one day, Eth one day and next btc after that, which can lead to inconsistency and hinder your success.

### 2.Time window

Clearly define the time window: _________?

I only enter trades within a 2-3 hour period; if NO OPPORTUNITY arise  during this time , I DO NOT TRADE.

### 3.Defined setup

Your TRADING SETUP should be clearly defined, with a clear understanding of its structure.

>>You should know exactly WHAT CONDITIONS need to be met for you to ENTER A TRADE and what factors would PREVENT YOU from doing so.

### 4.Entry system:

Mostly only when forming the STRUCTURE.(i f no structure no entry)

Not by  FOMO/ REVENGE Trading.

Your entry system should be CRYSTAL CLLEAR, specifying the CONDITIONS required for you to ENTER A TRADE,
the METHOD OF ENTRY, and exact CRITERIA that must be  met.

### 5.Exit system

What RISK-TO-REWARD ratio will you use to EXIT THE TRADE,and where will you set your RAKE-PROFIT LEVEL?  This CANNOT be random, you need to define the exit strategy in advance regardless the market is doing whatever.

Bonus tip: It all comes with f*cking DISCIPLINE + CONSISTENCY.

if you don't have these two, your emotions will ruin you.

Have set of rules and PRINCIPLES which defines YOU đŸ«”, profits will come eventually.



