It can be anyone, please don't attack this person, but really, don't be this person.
I understand that we all arrive learning, but getting to the crypto world with so little information is dangerous, it will make you lose money, I understand that it is complicated, but when you see so many fake news you must learn to see with criteria.
Do your own research, use tools, the crypto world is very cruel and many fall by the wayside, being irresponsible or ignorant will cost you money and probably your life.
The fake news that $XRP will reach the price of $BTC or similar, only do harm, report those who publish that, because then people like this reach those who are deceived and can do a lot of harm.
To the person of that post Filipe, I'm not attacking you, please be very careful on this platform, there are a lot of malicious people, and if this is not your thing, don't try it, but if you decide to try it, please, learn a lot, even so you will lose money sometimes, people with years of experience sometimes come to zero.