If you trade frequently, you may not even know about the existence of fees, or you may look down on these fees, not realizing that the fees from frequent trading may even exceed your principal, which is a significant cost. You won't know until you look, and when you do, you'll be shocked.
🔥Spot - Enter in the search box - How to calculate Binance spot trading fees - Click (here) - You can see the total trading fees. In the transaction details, you can see how much fee was incurred for each transaction.
🔥Open - Contract - Today's Profit and Loss - Funding Fees and Trading Fees. You can see your fees for nearly a year. 🤷 For those who frequently trade contracts with large positions, your fee expenses may exceed your principal in just one month. So make sure to open rebate commissions, the fees that should be returned must be returned, otherwise all fees go to the market. After opening rebate commissions, the fees are returned to your own account, saving you a lot at least once a month.
Friends, you might feel like you have wasted a lot on fees, and after looking, your heart might hurt. 😭😭😭😭😭
You can reduce the opening fees by registering for a Binance account through my invitation link or by entering the invitation code! #BTC
Binance invitation code: NUWHQI1F