The developers of Shiba Inu deployed the Shiba Name Service (SNS) in the second layer of Shibarium .

According to Valx and quoted by dailycoin, on the last day of October 2023, when the developers unveiled the first part of the SHIBDentity system, a new era began in the second layer network of Shiba Ino, Shibarium. The Shiba Name Service (SNS) is designed to help users leave complex addresses on the blockchain.

Shibarium's second layer scaling solution brings a transformative innovation with easily readable addresses on the blockchain. But these addresses also play a role in finalizing a larger plan to create a complete, decentralized digital identity through verifiable credentials.

SNS is made available to users through For example, getting an address named Wallex.SHIB currently costs 20 Shibaswap Bones (BONE). Shibarium's official gas token is used to buy these addresses. At the same time, users can use different Web3 wallets, including Coinbase, Metamsk, TrustVault, and Rainbow, to get their domain.

Kusama reveals the main features of SHIBDentity

The general characteristics of SHIBDentity The Shiba Ino ecosystem revolves around several key axes:

  • Self-trusted authentication via Web 3 : This removes the need for user identification via traditional or Web 2 methods, meaning they regain control of their data.

  • Decentralized and Verifiable Credentials : In SHIBDentity, credentials are stored directly as such, not in a company-owned database.

  • W3C Standard Compliance : Creating a Web Consortium for Global Standards for Autonomous Identities. This enables cooperation between autonomous identities in different applications.

  • SHIBDentity Karma System : The built-in trust system allows network members to organically build trust on the blockchain without relying on personal connections.

It's on the coin!

Shiba Token developers' ambitions for its Super App could challenge Elon Musk's Platform X , as the concept is exactly that of an all-in-one digital identity-based app.

However, Shiba Inu plans to combine decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and encrypted messaging in order to eliminate intermediaries

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