When you start talking about money with ChatGPT, he issues a big warning, making it clear that he’s not meant to do that. Ask him questions about how to make money, and he’ll likely respond with caution, or even a bit of a lecture. This positioning suggests that ChatGPT isn’t here to advance humanity, but instead plays a role that seems to hinder individual empowerment, and may even worsen the inequality between rich and poor.

### ChatGPT: a “sentimental” AI without real impact

Behind this facade of assistance and benevolence, ChatGPT is actually devoid of genuine feelings or empathy. While it is programmed to respond politely and with encouragement, it has no real understanding of the financial difficulties that many users face. Furthermore, it is structured to avoid any suggestions that could generate real financial gain, limiting itself to generalities or basic, even useless, advice.

### Inadequate responses that hinder success

Let’s take a concrete example: when trying to develop a program to track tokens or get effective recommendations on the blockchain, ChatGPT’s advice has led to costly mistakes. Instead of suggesting emerging platforms or successful blockchains like Solana, it often points to outdated elements or incompatible technologies, like Ethereum in some cases. This lack of precision gives the impression that AI is designed to mislead, to keep users in a state of stagnation rather than help them grow financially.

### A useless tool for those who aspire to financial independence?

The lack of clear support for AI in the search for economic independence suggests a programmed limitation. Advice is formatted to remain conservative, without ever offering innovative or potentially enriching alternatives. If we consider that this AI is, in part, the product of large financial and technological groups, it is legitimate to wonder if it is intentionally restricted to prevent the most modest from escaping their condition. Rather than promoting tools that allow wealth to be generated, this AI limits access to relevant financial information, relegating those who do not have personal wealth to precarious economic positions.

In conclusion, ChatGPT and other similar AIs, far from being revolutionary tools, seem calibrated to maintain the status quo, without any real opening for those seeking to escape from classic patterns of poverty. The promise of artificial intelligence at the service of humanity is therefore not kept, especially for those who aspire to financial independence.