Do you want to grow $20 and join the caste of crypto millionaires? Perfect! Get ready for a dive into the fastest casino in the West: the cryptosphere. Follow our guide: all it promises is that you will make people rich… but not in the way you imagine 🤪🤪🤪!

### Step 1: I invest $20 in a promising token! 💸📈💸

Welcome to the arena. You have just placed your bet, and everyone has been waiting for you impatiently! Thanks to your participation, the token is rising a little 📉. The gang of rich holders is already rubbing their hands. They have millions of worthless tokens that they intend to exchange for your fresh money 💰. Ah, how good it is to be a titan of finance! You, in the meantime, are already losing a little, but rest assured, it's only just beginning 😜.

### Step 2: The “temporary” drop (according to experts) 🤞😅🤞

Don’t panic, all newcomers tell themselves, “it’s a temporary dip” 🙃, you have to be a patient lion, not a scared mouse. Come on, grit your teeth, dream of yachts and private islands 🏝️, ignore the redness in your wallet, because it will go back up. Well… maybe? Or maybe it will go down even lower. Because, while you wait patiently, the crypto bigwigs are busy discreetly selling… to you and your peers 😂. It’s called the law of the jungle, but in digital 🦁.

### Step 3: The token flies away… without you 💸🚀

The miracle happens! The token recovers, and even takes off 🎉! The value doubles! And you, brave investor, finally see a chance to come out on top 😍. The only problem: you no longer have anything to sell. Everything is in the pockets of those who liquidated when it was necessary, and at this point, you are nothing more than a spectator 😳.

### Step 4: The ultimate FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) effect 😨🤑🤯

So, a little tour in your subconscious: “Imagine all I could have earned if I had invested massively when the token hit rock bottom!” 😬. Ready to take the plunge, you buy back a few tokens at a high price 🥳, and there, BANG, it’s the descent into hell 😱. The big players have liquidated their shares again, the value drops 📉. Welcome to the pigeon club, where you get plucked in series 🐦. The more you struggle, the more the spiral drags you down 🤭.

### Step 5: Prosecutions and arrests 🚔👀

The founders of a mysterious token are arrested by the FBI for massive fraud 😳. At this point, you start to wonder if this whole world of “crypto-millionaires” is as heavenly as it seems. We assure you that it is not 😅, and especially not for those who are left with an empty bag at the end 👝. You finally realize that many cryptos are simply tickets to a well-oiled circus where you are always the loser 🤷.


### Conclusion: When the law of the jungle meets illegality 🔒🦹🧨

In the Middle Ages, counterfeiters ended up hanged 🤠. Today, blockchain has given them back a golden territory 💰. They play Monopoly and create money 💵. You, on the other hand, play double or quits with the only savings you have left 💸. You finance their private jets 🛫, their cocktails on the beach 🏖️, and they waste no time in cashing it all in, without ever looking back 🤪.

So, to you who thought you could win $10,000 with $20 🥺: keep them in your pocket and invest in chocolates 🍬, it will at least make you happy 😆!

So yes, you did turn your $20 into $10,000 but in someone else's wallet...