Let's look at recent listings.

Not even the airdrops themselves, but the listings themselves — how the value of the coins changed.

The three most successful listings at the moment:

🟡 Notcoin — an original project.

▫ 🦴 DOGS — a project associated with Notcoin and Durov.

▫ 🐾 Catizen — a project with an open donation system.

Catizen gave minimal rewards to those who did not donate, but generously rewarded the donators. If you look solely at the value of the coin, it is difficult to call it unsuccessful, although I personally do not like this project.

The market ignores clone projects (CATS, X Empire), so considering them, like other copies, is pointless.

Most promising projects:

▫ 🔳 NOT Pixel — linked to Notcoin (key sign of success at the moment)

▫ ⚫️ Blum — an original project, provided they deliver on their promises

▫ 🏁 OKX Racer — a project supported by a leading exchange

▫ ⭐️ Major — linked to Durov and has a lot of donations

I think we can finish here. Write your opinions in the comments, it's interesting to read

#Blum #NOTCOİN #DOGSONBINANCE #major #notpixel