If you’re seeing this red message or even suspect something’s off with your account, act now. Don’t let days or weeks of effort go down the drain like mine did. MoonBiX is an exciting game, but don’t let it blindside you. Stay vigilant, check your account status, and don’t waste time if you’re playing under a red . analayze and give me new update

Red Message Warning:

Players who encounter the red message are ineligible for rankings.

Unbinding the account does not resolve the issue.

The message indicates that the player has performed "abnormal actions," which can result in removal from the leaderboard.

Personal Experience:

The author was removed from the leaderboard despite never using bots or unfair means.

The account has been flagged for over 40 days with no resolution.

The author ultimately decided to start over with a new account due to the uncertainty and frustration.


MoonBiX allows players to continue playing even with a flagged account.

There is no clear indication that progress might not count.

The author feels that the game should not allow players to continue if their accounts are ineligible.


Players should be vigilant and check their account status regularly.

If you encounter the red message or suspect something is wrong, act promptly.

Don't waste time playing with a flagged account.

Additional Considerations:

It's unclear what specific actions are considered "abnormal" by MoonBiX.

There is no guarantee that starting over with a new account will prevent similar issues.

The author's experience may not be representative of all cases.

New Update:

Unfortunately, there is no new update available regarding the red message issue in MoonBiX. The original post remains the most recent information on the matter. It's recommended that MoonBiX players continue to monitor the official channels for any updates or announcements related to this problem.

The most frustrating part? Even after flagging your account, MoonBiX still lets you play. But they don’t tell you upfront that your progress might not count. If your account is marked ineligible, the game shouldn’t let you keep going. But it does, and it’s easy to keep grinding, thinking your hard work still matters.