can someone tell me what money is? I am looked at with disdain.

someone says to me: you don't know what money is???

I answer

-no show me the money please.

People look at each other in surprise, one of them takes out a 5€ note, I say to him:

- it's not money, it's just a piece of paper that represents something to you and to your entire community. so here you're showing me a representation of money, but can you show me the money itself?

another one takes out a 2€ coin, I answer him

-this is a piece of copper and iron, there are lots of pieces of copper in landfills, where did you get it? in which landfill? you know that a bank is a big landfill that issues papers and pieces of iron, making you believe that it is money?

No one could show me what money was, another took out his crypto wallet, he showed me an amount on his screen.

- this is a set of pixels I told him, they are only zeros and ones aligned, governed by a silicon chip and since silicon is only sand, what you are showing me there is only sand and there is plenty of sand in the desert go to the desert you will be rich!

so in truth no one can show me what money is??? and I will show you what it is:

it is a way to exchange material goods, it is based on trust and respect. that is why you show me stones and sand because you still believe in him.

Then a woman said to me:

if it is based on trust then that trust has been broken a long time ago because now it is in the hands of very small people, and most of us have no money, if it did not exist we would all be rich in truth we would not have to work to have it but we would work for ourselves and we would create wealth and everyone would drive Lamborghinis!

in truth the wisdom of this woman was superior to all the wisdom of humanity