#Argentina leads iris scans in the world for #Worldcoin and has already registered more than 2 million users

Argentina has become the global epicenter of the controversial Worldcoin project, an identity verification platform based on biometric data. According to Alex Blania, CEO of the company, one in three iris scans worldwide is performed in the country.

With more than 2.2 million registrations since its launch, growth in Argentina has been explosive. During a presentation in San Francisco, Blania revealed that the project has reached 6.27 million verified users globally, of which a third comes from Argentina. “We want to scan every person on the planet,” he said, underlining Worldcoin’s ambitious goal. The platform, known for offering cryptocurrencies in exchange for scans, now seeks to multiply its reach through strategic alliances and expansion in verification points.

Worldcoin's rapid growth and expansion into Argentina

Worldcoin's growth in Argentina has been remarkable over the past year. According to the company's data, there were around 500,000 verifications in April 2024, a figure that has rapidly escalated to over 2 million in October. Currently, there are 51 verification points across the country, with plans to install more scanning devices in coffee shops, shopping malls and bookstores.

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