$NOT Now it is important to understand that a lot depends on Pavel Durov, who, unfortunately, is still not in the best conditions.
Although full decentralization is the ultimate goal of notcoin, at the moment we can state the fact that NOT is not decentralized. And it will take a long time to get to this decentralization. According to the team, the plan is for at least 4 years. How it will actually be and whether NOT will ever be able to become fully decentralized - no one knows. Today, the truth is that notcoin, as part of the TON blockchain, is tied not only to one team of developers, but also heavily depends on Pavel Durov. Recently, it can be noticed that both TON and notcoin are having a hard time growing. This is because whales cannot yet enter coins they are not sure about. Why are they not sure? Because Durov has not yet been cleared of the charges. Until now, no one has officially confirmed that Pavel has ceased to be the owner of a unique opportunity to go to prison for several years. And this is obviously a big risk that stops investors.
At the same time, it is already clear that the ban on leaving France for Durov is a formality. Sooner or later he will be released, since all issues with the local authorities have already been resolved. Anyone who has at least a little experience in trading cryptocurrencies should understand how such news affects certain assets associated with them. Before Pavel was detained, the NOT price fluctuated around $ 0.012 per token. A few days later, it fell below 0.008. Not very intellectually developed people love to use this statistic (a 40% drop in a short period of time) to spread panic and fad. But is it not obvious that this fall has a specific reason and without this reason it would never have happened? When the Bitcoin price was 48 thousand, the NOT price dropped to $ 0.0092, and then immediately returned back. Obviously, with Bitcoin at 68, it wouldn't be sitting around 0.008 if it weren't for specific unpleasant circumstances.
Now the most important thing. Notcoin as an asset has not become worse. Nothing has changed in it. On the contrary, the team only continues to develop it, creating more and more opportunities to make a profit. External circumstances had an impact. And these circumstances are one thing today, and completely different tomorrow. And when Durov is cleared of the charges, the NOT price will rise as quickly as it fell.
My letters in bronze Pavel Durov - top1verunvnot.