Testnet V2: Achievement Highlight

Greetings, testnet participants: we’re back with a fresh stack of testnet achievements to celebrate the https://t.co/oaQaNNV2EQ Bot launch.

To support https://t.co/oaQaNNV2EQ and make your Prom testnet journey more exciting, two new achievements are waiting for you on the dashboard: Join the Cult & Farming Season.

Here’s a quick guide for you to get them:

📍Join the Cult:

Link your testnet wallet address with https://t.co/oaQaNNV2EQ Bot.

Steps to take:

1. Go to https://t.co/oaQaNNV2EQ app: @rektme_bot;

2. Enter the «Quests» menu section & find the «Wallet» quests bank;

3. Click on the corresponding task & enter the Dashboard link through it;

4. Insert your wallet address: if you are a testnet participant, you need to paste the address you use to participate. The quest is automatically linked to you as a user, and the testnet achievement is attributed to you.

📍 Farming Season:

Be active on @rektme_bot, and use referrals, quests, daily check-ins, and trade games to maximize your points.

Once you reach 10,000 in total $REKT count, the achievement will be automatically attributed to you if you linked the correct testnet wallet address using the «Connect your wallet with Prom Dashboard» quest in the Bot.

Jump in & test it out 👇