1. If you do trading, then EMA related indicators are still very useful. The advantage of using EMA is that the loss is limited and certain, but the profit is unlimited. But the difficulty of trading lies in execution. The core of a good trader is to be able to put aside emotions as much as possible and rationally and strictly follow the plan.
To be honest, I can't do it, so I can only choose to be a value investor and a cyclical investor.
2. The recent meme market is really good, especially after neiro rose 50% today. I thought about it seriously. Under the premise of weak incremental growth at present, on-chain is indeed a relatively good choice. Most of the targets have low market value and are almost fully circulated, and there is also an expectation of listing on centralized exchanges.
So, if you want to get a big return in the current currency circle, then on-chain is indeed a good choice, but choosing on-chain does not mean rushing randomly, but watching more and moving less, finding a feeling with small funds, building your own system, and choosing the right tools.