Why don't you stop screwing around? I'm going to help you, I really am going to help you. I know you're very scared, you're terrified of simply recognizing yourself as a man, as a sick man... $BTC

– You're a good guy too, Doctor, but you're not happy. And what worries me most is that I think you know it and you don't care. Why do human beings seem to resign themselves to so many things that are destroying them? Why do they do so little to change those things? Are they committing suicide because they're stupid, or are they paying for their sins? […] Why do you want to cure me? Can you give me a serious reason that we can discuss now?

– Rantés, if you're not a nutcase I would have to admit that you really are an extraterrestrial. Do you know what that would mean? That I'm the nutcase.

– Nature only allows for very slow development, it more easily favors a change of species than a change of consciousness. I am more rational than you because I respond rationally to stimuli: If someone is suffering, I comfort them. Someone asks me for help, I give it to them. Why then do you think I am crazy? If someone looks at me, I look at them. Someone speaks to me, I listen to them. You are slowly going crazy for not recognizing these stimuli, simply because you have been ignoring them. Someone dies and you let them die. Someone asks for help and you look the other way. Someone is hungry and you throw away what you throw away. Someone dies of sadness and you lock them up so you don't see them. Someone who systematically adopts these behaviors, who walks among the victims as if they weren't there, may dress well, pay their taxes, go to mass... but they are not going to deny that they are sick. Your reality is frightening, Doctor. Why don't you stop the hypocrisy once and for all and look for madness on this side? And stop persecuting the sad, the poor in spirit, the poor in spirit. To those who don't buy, because they don't want to or because they can't, all that crap that you would gladly sell me, if you could, of course.