Friends, I don't know if you've noticed the pattern that during even the slightest correction, all sorts of super-minds shout about a bear market, I remember that FTX Scam, news about hacked crypto wallets, unlocks, events in the East, etc. and all that nonsense flows like a river. All this is part of the strategy so that you do not make purchases of altcoins at the bottom or near the bottom values‼️ Why is there no such news on the rise of #BTC ???? This is a strategy, you must be weak, poor, stupid and led! So stop running to change your pants at every market pullback.

The market maker will create all the conditions so that you are not interested in buying at the bottom and promising to go to hell at the market highs.

Understand the ceiling of young investors' expectations is 1-2 months, and results on the market come after years, years of practice.

I share with you advice having gone through the experience of a 50% drawdown on the portfolio, a large number of liquidations, and disbelief in the possibility of earning absolutely free.

In short: Now is a good time to buy altcoins and form and review the portfolio ‼️