The world is on fire! And if there is one thing the market cannot tolerate, it is uncertainty. At the moment, the market is waiting to see what Israel's response will be to Iran's attacks. We are used to the threats of the Zionists and, although the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, a day before the attacks against Israel, promised to go all the way in favor of Israel, after the attacks he completely changed his narrative, calling for balance on both sides, which is surprising.

So, my dear friends, the stock market, represented in the collective imagination of the American countries by the figure of a cruel and greedy old man, Ebenezer Scrooge, the protagonist of Charles Dickens' novel, who, as I said in a previous article, is described as a hard-hearted, selfish man who dislikes Christmas. Well, Ebenezer Scrooge (the market) is patiently sitting in front of a fireplace waiting to see what will happen. Everything points to a Red October, simply because there is a lot of gunpowder and enriched uranium in the air. Even so, some cold-blooded minds are trying to avoid a direct confrontation between the US and Russia. And believe me, once the war between NATO and the Russia-Iran-North Korea axis begins, what former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday will be fulfilled to the letter. Medvedev warned that “small states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which want to attack Russia, should know that Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, which stipulates collective defense in the event of a military attack against any member country, is not effective against tactical nuclear weapons.”

“The more ridiculous a state is, the greater the arrogance of each of its crazy leaders. There is not much to comment on here, because when such statements are made, people should keep in mind only one thing: in the case, for example, of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons, nothing will remain but a wet spot of individual states making such attacks against Russia.”

So we can only wait, along with the old market Ebenezer Scrooge, to see if the war in Europe and the Middle East will escalate or if there will be a truce that will allow the stock markets to see which direction to take. Whoever dares to predict what will happen in the next few days or hours, dares to be branded as I was a pessimist or at the same time a super-optimist and force people to invest in such a situation of uncertainty. Those who are trapped in some positions, at this time it is too late to sell at a loss. Pay attention to the world geopolitical situation, which is the only thing that keeps the stock markets waiting. May God help us. Let us believers pray and let us atheists meditate.

Jorge Ferrer

Bachelor of Business Administration