I read a lot of posts where they write that #BTC☀️ and other cryptocurrencies fell allegedly because of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Well, the Arab-Israeli conflict began in October last year and against this background, Bitcoin not only did not fall but grew almost 1.5 times, and when, for example, the war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine began, the crypto as a whole almost did not react. Most likely, there is some kind of speculation on the market, which is covered up by the news background. All crypto is generally speculative. #ton falls faster and this is most likely due to the fall in prices for coins from tapalok associated with the ton ecosystem. And tapalok coins are falling due to a decrease in community interest due to the Scam from the latest projects pixelverse, HK, rocky, cati. The disappointment from Hamster was especially painful due to the crooked distribution of coins and bans