Even though I like Trump - especially when he tried his best to be shill $BTC , this time it is entirely possible that Trump will lose and for the first time in American history there will be a female president!

Currently, crypto has a mentality that if Trump loses, crypto will be dumped heavily. You should get rid of this thought or you will miss the boat!

Putting aside the Trump crypto bullish factor because he is likely playing a niche game to get votes - it is clear that Harris' monetary policy is much crazier!

Instead of supporting and reducing taxes for businesses, Harris directly pumps money into people's spending like Thailand is doing to stimulate consumption!

Harris' policy would be an immediate stimulant for the economy and financial markets, ensuring that $BTC would benefit greatly.

#Write2Win #BinanceTurns7 #MarketDownturn #thangfuturex1000