Column "My knowledge is my tool"

In any business you need to think with your head, and if it is also related to finances and risks, basic knowledge is simply a MUSTHAVE! Therefore, let's briefly go over the tools and skills that will be useful in the crypto market.

1. First and foremost, I want to talk about the Psychology and emotional state with which many people come to the market. Someone is driven by curiosity, someone came with the goal of getting rich, many are driven by need in the form of difficult life or other situations, someone is simply looking for a freebie (Hamster🤐). The market always has its own atmosphere and its own psychology. AI has long been able to control people's emotions and it is no secret that it controls many actions in the market. Before making a decision and starting, analyze what state you are in now, what brought you here. In order to start trading or investing, the golden rule applies: I do this with free money, so I am calm. A calm, even state with a dose of curiosity and a desire to learn! Calmness, gentlemen, the main thing is calmness. Knowing how to control your emotions, which are most often imposed on you, you will be one step ahead!