The reason I love studying charts is not because I love numbers and calculations. My studies are in law, my profession is advocacy. The subject is different for me. Because when I look at the chart, I feel like I am in front of an artistic painting that depicts the behavior of a large group of people. These people act based on their feelings, fear, greed, optimism, pessimism, and all of this is translated into lines and shapes on the chart. I get the feeling that every movement in it reflects an aspect of life. Every peak and every trough has a meaning and a reason, and this is what makes me delve deeper into it every day. My understanding of the chart helps me understand people’s behavior. One thing that attracted me to the idea of ​​studying the chart is that every movement in it represents a decision made by someone. When the price goes up, this means that there are a group of people who think that this price will improve, and when it goes down, this means that there are people who are afraid or think that things will get worse. This is purely public behavior, and the most beautiful thing is that it is a material and moral public behavior at the same time. The material thing is that you see the result in front of you in numbers, but the moral thing is the psychological state behind this decision.

When I analyze the chart, sometimes I feel like I see myself in it. My life, just like the chart, is full of ups and downs. Sometimes I feel like I'm on a straight line, neither improving nor declining, just like the chart does when it's flat. Other times I feel like I'm on a continuous rise, full of optimism and energy like an uptrend. But I also have moments like a downtrend, where I feel weak or like a failure.

The chart teaches you that nothing is permanent. You may be at the peak of success and suddenly there is a correction, just like the chart does with Fibonacci corrections. You may also be at the bottom and suddenly there is an unexpected boom. This made me learn that analysis is not only for the chart, but also for life.