Market Maker manipulates us with nothing but price!


Unbelievable, in less than a short week, the market is back, one way or another, the accounts are back, the investments are back.

The crowd's psychology has changed from disappointment and boredom to excitement and a bit of fomo. At this time last week, there were still many articles and discussions about the economic recession, about the Fed's policies. Some people viewed up, some viewed down, the market was in flames, killing longs and shorts from both ends everywhere

In this wave, everyone clearly sees that AI is coming back as the leading trend to attract the first cash flow in all major Narratives. Typically, the famous $TAO on #binance pulled the entire AI system up and pumped it up.

Port ai has many AI goods is definitely recovering quite well compared to other areas

Market makers manipulate us with nothing but price lines and News. The same price, the same goods but at 2 different times give 2 opposite emotions. If you do not have a long-term view, investment mindset and long-term holding, it is very easy to sell off or cut losses right at the bottom of the bottom when receiving bad news or the price drops.

#btc #eth