"Ten Essential Bull Market Trading Tips, Worth Reading Many Times!"

1. The accumulation of wealth does not lie in frequent transactions, but in waiting patiently.

2. In my financial career, I have witnessed many people fail because they did not pay attention to risk management. Ignoring risks can have disastrous consequences.

3. Allowing losses to expand indefinitely is a fatal mistake that investors often make, which stems from a gambling mentality.

4. Trading guru Michael Marcus once taught me: You must accept the occasional mistake. Making mistakes is not failure in itself. Michael advised me to use my best judgment. If you get it wrong, try again to make a better decision. If you're still wrong, try the best decision a third time so your money has a chance to grow.

5. Trading taught me a hard lesson. I used to blame myself: "Why take such huge risks to trade? Why not pursue happiness and let life be filled with pain?"

6. Three principles for successful trading: (1) Stop loss; (2) Stop loss; (3) Stop loss. Only by strictly following these three rules will you have a chance of success in trading.

7. Once I lose money in the market, I will exit immediately. No matter which market you are in, once you suffer a loss, it is difficult to remain objective in your subsequent trading decisions. If the market trend goes against your expectations and you insist on not quitting, you will fail sooner or later.

8. To be honest, I never pay too much attention to the market, but focus on risk, return and capital management.

9. After a successful trade, I think I made the right decision. But make a mistake and you could lose everything. I need to keep accumulating capital because there will always be another trading opportunity.

10. I always keep risks within manageable limits. "

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