A major issue is that many players have been labeled as cheaters bassed solely on their key collection activities. Media influencers asserts that many players who accumulated a modest number of keys, often just 100 to 200, were disqualified.

On the other hand, those exploiting the system with key generators and multiple accounts remain eligible. This has led to feelings of injustice among the community, with many players being unfairly branded as cheaters despite their honest efforts.

Wasted Time and Effort.....

Another big complaint is that players have invested time and effort into the game, only to be qualified for a requirement they were initially told was irrelevant.

Crypto with khan emphasized that many players spent months grinding to increase their PPH, only to find out that their work was essentially for nothing. The sudden shift in focus from PPH to key collection has been particularly frustrating, with users feeling that their dedication has been disregarded.
