Today, a strange scene unfolded in one of the capital's offices: the developers of the popular game Hamster Kombat were unexpectedly attacked by rabid hamsters! According to eyewitnesses, the small rodents broke into the building and began to rush around the office chaotically, creating real panic.

Hamster Kombat is a game where users must quickly tap the screen to gain points. However, for some inexplicable reason, the hamsters, the game's symbol, seem to have decided to take matters into their own hands and enter the real world. The staff jokingly call it "hamster revenge" because they themselves often become the objects of taps in the game.

Rumor has it that users who are tired of tapping the screen in the game may have released the hamsters into the developers' office to express their dissatisfaction. Many claim that the hamsters behave aggressively, as if they are not happy with the role of passive characters in the virtual world.

The incident has sparked a wave of jokes and memes online, with users sharing their theories that the hamsters have "come to life" to take control of the process. The developers have yet to give any official comments, but they promise to look into the reasons for this strange attack and possibly release a future update to the game with even more active hamsters.

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