Today, we will update you with the new outlook for the bull market of Bitcoin and Ethereum! Looking back at our previous analysis, Bitcoin is steadily embarking on the monthly rising channel. Any small waves along the way - the secondary level callback, are not enough to shake its bull market foundation. Our eyes are always locked on the top of the bright bull market.

Look at this first screenshot, Bitcoin's Fibonacci expansion target is already on paper: 100% expansion directly points to the 80,000 mark, and the more exciting 3.618 times expansion indicates a brilliant future of 215,000! Ethereum is also not to be outdone, and its 3.618 times expansion target directly points to the 15,000 highland. This is not only a digital game, but also a proof of the burning passion of the bull market.

But then again, we are cautiously optimistic and set a small goal first: Bitcoin hits the Fibonacci 1.618 times expansion, which is about US$98,000; Ethereum aims at US$7,400. This relatively conservative but tempting goal is expected to bloom brilliantly before September next year. The whole month of August is undoubtedly a safe and opportunity-filled journey for investors.

Looking into the distance, we expect the peak feast of Bitcoin and Ethereum to begin at the end of 2025, some month between September and December. By then, for wise men who pursue stability, the end of August may be a wise retreat signal. After all, Bitcoin may have crossed the 90,000 mark by then and headed towards the more distant sea of ​​stars. This is not only a leap in numbers, but also a victory song of wisdom and courage!

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