"To participate in the Crypto Puzzle Mania challenge, please follow these steps:

1. Choose two questions: one from the ACROSS section and one from the DOWN section.

2. Answer the two questions in the comment section below.

3. Use the following format for your answers:

ACROSS # [Answer]

DOWN # [Answer]


ACROSS 1 bitcoin

DOWN 2 bullish

1. Make sure to answer only two questions, one from each section.

2. Check your answers carefully before submitting.

3. Good luck and have fun!


1. Crypto wallet type (5)

2. Blockchain consensus algorithm (7)

3. Cryptocurrency trading platform (4)

4. Digital identity verification (6)

5. Smart contract programming language (5)


1. Decentralized finance (abbr.) (3)

2. Crypto market trend (4)

3. Encryption technique (6)

4. Bitcoin halving event (5)

5. Crypto community forum (4)


- Fill in the answers using the corresponding numbers.

- Use only lowercase letters.

- When you think you've solved it, share your results and challenge your friends!#BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #FTXSolanaRedemption #GrayscaleXRPTrust $BTC $ETH $BNB