The recent market performance of DOGS, a meme cryptocurrency based on Telegram's mascot Spotty, has been quite volatile. Despite initial enthusiasm following its launch in July 2024, DOGS has faced challenges with a sharp decline in value. Over the past week, the price dropped by 20%, and over the month, it's down 34%. This bearish trend began shortly after the activation of on-chain withdrawals, which allowed early investors to access their airdropped tokens. The token is currently facing resistance at $0.0015, and a break above this level could trigger a recovery, with potential targets of $0.0017 or $0.002 in the coming weeks [oai_citation:1,DOGS Price| Index, Live Chart | DOGS on CoinEx]( [oai_citation:2,DOGS Price Predictions: How Low Will New Meme Coin Go?](


Despite this, DOGS still maintains strong community support and could see renewed interest if it breaks past resistance levels. However, market volatility remains high, and further downward pressure could lead to additional losses if support levels are breached [oai_citation:3,DOGS Price Predictions: How Low Will New Meme Coin Go?]( [oai_citation:4,$DOGS Coin - Join the Fun Meme Cryptocurrency Movement | DOGS](