GALA market analysis today:

In the short term, the yellow signal has appeared at the 1-hour level, and the 2-hour and 4-hour levels clearly point to the bullish market.

The focus today is around the 0.01940 price.

The lower support levels are 0.01908, 0.01877 and 0.01866, respectively, and these areas can be focused on.

As for the rebound target, it is initially set at around 0.02013, 0.02026 and 0.02041. If the rebound fails to break through the above highs, it is recommended to continue to hold short orders. Spot contract Junyang 👉@点这里 加密乘风

Given that the daily chart is still in a bullish trend and there is no sign of bearishness in the large cycle, there are still opportunities for long orders, but it is necessary to operate flexibly and lock in profits in time. $GALA #gala价格预测 #GalaGame #GALA.24小时交易策略 #GALA.智能策略库🥇🥇 #GALA.每日智能策略