A virtual B real C platform level

If it is virtual: A is original? B is the second best product to be compared? C is pure plagiarism

If it is real: A is a celebrity? B is still rich?

If it is platform level: individual benefits

Next, I will start to lean left. Leaning left means looking at 2 from 3 and then 1. For some coins, I will focus on leaning left.
There are some coins that need to be focused on the right, so let’s first look at a coin that needs to be directly right-leaning:

2. Look at the time: Only one sentence:

1) Did you buy early? 2) Did you sell fast?

In the meme world of Sol, I set a rule that as long as it is more than 20 minutes after the coin is issued, if you dare to buy it, you are ready to return to zero. (Don’t think it’s funny! I have seen a lot of things, whether it is following the smart wallet or the dev directly issuing coins to pull up, it will be PVP after 20 minutes! So Solmeme has ruined the Taoism of the Tron ecosystem. The income of Tron is comparable to the income of 500,000 yuan when I heard the money-making kitten shouting that I bought Troll and Zuzalu at the bottom of 10,000 each. It is also the kind of PVP of Sol who has been holding on to it for half a year and didn’t care about it in the bear market. But Tron is different! Tron is really different!
TRON has a top meme with appeal and appeal, and at least it is still at the point where it can cut the trend in half! There are still people pouring into the blue ocean market! Remember that the early purchase of TRON is currently within 7 days, within 3 days! It is called early purchase! )

Is it running fast? Solmeme, sell 10% every time. It is like this. You have to sell when the negative line comes out.

1. Coin issuance environment:

1) Coin issuance time

In addition to the early issuance time, there is another special "miracle":

Big cycle turning point! Examples: the birth period of pepe, ordi, bitmap, stamp protocol! The lowest is 80 times, the highest is 10,000 times, I resigned because of this wave

Example 2: Bome, Popcat, Fight, SCF. The miracle of Sol Chain. I met many new masters. I have never seen them in the Inscription Era. In addition, in the Sol Era, the awesome KOLs in the Inscription Era were basically silent. It took me three months to reset to zero before I could enter Sol.

Example 3: What else can I say? After 312, atom, luna 1 USD, eth 99 USD, all 30~100 times, the increase of public chain is the return of meme

2) The currency issuance environment refers to three factors to measure itself:

A. In a cold place, when the heart is cold, ambush the hot

B. Is the competition not that fierce?

C. I came in when retail investors were still studying, questioning, not understanding, not knowing how to understand, and laughing at me!

For 1 and 2, I will mainly talk about "coin issuance timing > coin purchase timing"

Well, this is left leaning. Let me first explain that the importance of left leaning is far less than right leaning in my mind. The importance of right leaning is,
Now I will start. I also recommend that for some coins, especially those with a 50-50 meme win rate, we mainly use the right-leaning method to strengthen our meme win rate: right-leaning is very important. Since right-leaning, my win rate has reached 70%.

Well, remember that 3 is the zero axis of my left and right tilt. From 3 as the origin, we start looking at 4, 5, 6...

4. Zhuang

1) Look at the funds

1. What level are retail investors? How much do retail investors’ funds consist of? (Northwest Community Inscription Era Aunts Holding Meetings? Twitter Retail Investors Who Can Climb Over the Wall?)
2. Is the source of funds from a successful institution in the past (Sato of Shib Group)?

5. Spreader KOL

There are no options here, I'll just go straight to the core:

The first step is to re-screen the kols followed on Twitter, delete the counter-attacks, and then use the Greasemonkey plug-in to write labels for the kols, who has called out which coins, and has a strong winning rate. I will focus on the Lianjun and Youjun channels. Those who understand will understand, because they are free, so I will not disclose them.

In the second step, you only need to complete the first step, detection, before you can start the fifth step, the communicator KOL module. Otherwise, just leave it blank! You must have a KOL with a very high winning rate!

The third step, remember that I call the communicator kol a platform. You also need to remember a special example, which is Trump’s son. Trump’s son is a typical Twitter communicator kol. When he raises his hand, you have seen hundreds of millions of dollars of copycat devs, etc. If you look at the combination of communicators and dealers today, it is the sunwukong and sun platform coin shouted by Justin Sun.

The fourth step is to remember the communicator KOL. You must not just focus on the online. I have talked about a methodology before, "Take all the jokes, contempt and misses in the currency circle as a clue." I directly define this methodology as the ninth rule. Now if the ninth rule is engraved on your forehead, I will bring it up! Use the ninth rule to guide you to develop new 5. communicators. For example, when you see the Northwest community or the dealer Neiro at that time, I hope you will remember it.
This fifth part, the disseminator, contains more important things - the deepest and deepest, reaching ordinary residents, I mean users who are not on Twitter, or even outside the cryptocurrency circle, are there any who speculate in cryptocurrencies? Note: People are the dumbest, have the most money, buy but don't move, hold until it goes to zero.

When I talk about the sixth one, I will talk about the “miracle-level meme”. In addition to time, there is also space:
In space——
3+4+5=faith. When a meme is based on IP narrative, the funds of the banker, the publicity of the platform KOL, and the most deeply reached users who speculate, hold, buy and sell coins are not the own users in the circle, I am sorry, a meme is natural. I remember that Dayu talked about the concept of artificial diamonds. You combine 3+4+5 together. If a meme coin tilts on the right, it produces an extremely powerful "faith" miracle in 3+4+5. You can actually ignore the left-leaning 2·time and 1·coin issuance environment. But if you are fucking 1+2+3+4+5=time and space dual frequency resonance, fuck, are you a man who comes to the coin circle to make A8A9? Like my boss, the dogecoin of 2 million yuan has doubled 200 times, and then lost money all the way to today. Although he is the same age as me, his level and realm have long retired from the circle to enjoy the world first.

6. Certifier, investment expert

Here I will talk about the three most important people in my heart: 007 Qige, Chiyu, and oxsun. These three are in the circle, and I will directly put a knife to my neck for whatever they say. Chiyu was cyberbullied some time ago, and I will say it again: in the sol version era, Chiyu's most critical sol coins have been 50 times to 100~200 times, and often a single coin is a7. You can continue to question Chiyu, but I have followed Chiyu and these three. They have become the most important part of my entire investment rightward.
Oh, by the way, these are all paid groups. Fuck you Twitter haters. It’s up to you to join or not!

7. Never make decisions on your own!

You can't find anyone to help you make decisions! I'll say it again. If you keep losing money or have a winning rate of less than 50% in the meme field, you won't understand why you make decisions and lose money! You just look at

Here I will talk about:
In the 5th disseminator kol, the 6th certifier, in accordance with the 7th,
5, 6, 7 are all about increasing the number of decision makers! Don’t act on your own! Don’t be self-centered!
This game is not about what you believe in, but what the experts decide in most cases. You follow them to understand why, and then follow the buying process.

Remember that if you miss one link, you will reduce your position by 25%. If 4 dealers do not understand, reduce 25%, if 2 time is not good, reduce 25%, if 3·IP is not platform-level, reduce 25%, if 1·coin issuance environment is not good, reduce 10%, more importantly, remember 5+6+7, 567 is your decision-making group of relatives and friends! If you are the only one making decisions in 5, 6, 7, I suggest you subtract 25% and then subtract 25%, you are equivalent to investing alone! The winning rate of one person's investment is low, which is why I said you must join the paid group!

Let me explain it again: if each dimension from 1 to 7 is unknown, just reduce each one to 25%. If it reaches zero, don’t invest.

8. The K-line trend is TM downward!

Basically, in the meme field, this is the most vigilant. Currently, only platform-level sunwukong, suncat, and fwog created by the former leader of Penguin have narratives with internal text meme stalks, which can rise from the bottom. Remember the meme coins on Sol. After one day of pvp or one hour of pvp, they will return to zero. If there are a few that rise occasionally, tell me, who on the right side (decision makers) gave you the courage? Who on the left side (time and coin issuance environment) gave you encouragement? If there is no reason for 1 to 7, you don’t know that kind of increase, and you shouldn’t get involved in this kind of coin. Accept the impermanence as fate dictates.

I'll say it again! You analyze a coin, I don't know whether you get up in the morning or see it at noon or night! After the analysis, you are very excited to buy! Remember one sentence! If it is a downward trend now! Directly subtract 25% of the purchase plan. In the meme world, as long as the quality of the K-line is declining, my score will be directly reduced. I would rather chase the breakthrough of the mme coin, jump off the train early at night, and eat a smaller part, I will not buy the bottom.

I'll say it again here, "If fwog falls below my trading bottom line, no matter how good this fwog is, I will directly liquidate and leave. Yes, I promise myself in the currency circle that I will not allow any belief to step over the bottom line of my cost tolerance range, because even if the bottom line is crossed, if it doesn't rise, I will be one step closer to quitting the circle." This is also what my boss said at the time. Trading must have the same discipline as being a soldier. He saw that many people who had served in the military and came to trade did well. Without discipline, their positions would be blown up. I bought the bottom of meme and it went back to zero. Tell me, this coin is so advanced that it doesn't matter whether it is a hot coin or a belief coin. It fell below my stop loss line. I immediately left without looking back, and I will never be ruthless, and I will never be ruthless to meme coins! No belief can step over your trading bottom line!

9. Can you treat everything that happens in the cryptocurrency world (all the jokes, contempts, and misses) as clues?
This is the mentality, repeat it silently

10. Get rid of the dross and look forward with an empty cup!

The buoyancy of my mentality is my greatest ability to seize opportunities to make money!

Those with low level of mind turn a blind eye, while those with high level of mind take it lightly.

Keep an eye on the current opportunities! Keep an eye on the opportunities to make money!

Look forward! Look forward! Look forward! In Article 10, I will not allow you to look back and regret what happened yesterday. What coins did you miss? Oh, I will slap my thighs! No! Today is just the present hour! I only look for new opportunities! I just look forward! All the reviews from 1 to 9 are useless! They are all reviews! I just look forward now! I only look at new opportunities to make money today! (This is the mentality again. When investing, I will scan it to confirm whether I have fallen into this coin. My hands are shaking and sweating when I click the mouse. If so, maybe I am just trapped. I must float up. If the mentality is trapped in a coin, it means death. Everything is a bubble. There must be a force that can allow you to continue to float up and continue to scan the chain to see other targets when buying this coin. Always remember my words: If you find that you have made money and are complacent, always remember that at the same time, there must be a master who has made 300 times more money than you. So do you only buy this coin in the current trend of making money, or buy a group of coins that are all rising? So in the solmeme era, you must constantly jump to various profitable coins when the market comes. Don't just stare at one coin. The more nervous you are, in fact, it just reflects how greedy you are at this time, and the greater the probability of your failure at this moment! So the purpose of this article is that I always remind myself! Only put on my own calm and smiling positions. Don't let greed emerge in my emotions and hinder my rational fluctuations)

11. Analyze, analyze, and analyze again! Just analyze! All experience is wrong! Now is the time to analyze!
You will definitely find that the things you summarized yesterday were quite good, but when you apply them after a few days, they turned out to be wrong.
Let me give you an example: 1. sunwukong, on the first day of Sun’s live broadcast, the stock price was pulled up! 2. I started to buy on the second day of the live broadcast, but I noticed that Sun did not show up this time, and the stock price fell by 40% overnight! 3. Sun’s live broadcast was connected to the microphone for the third time, and I just waited and watched this time. As a result, the stock price did not move after the live broadcast, and it fell by another 30% overnight. There is no way to apply it, and Bitcoin did not give TRON a few meme dealers at that time, and dared to pull the signal, so everything is analyzed and analyzed again! There is no empiricism, it’s all about the present, how can you capture the tiny moments of observation?

12. Where to settle
Where will any coin end up?
Where will the ultra-long-term coins settle?
Let me give you a few examples:
1. Pepe's net worth dropped to zero after reaching 1 billion US dollars. Where will he end up? He ended up at 5 billion US dollars.
2. Neiro and NEIRO fought back and forth on Wang Xiaoer for 900,000 US dollars. We were stunned. Then Neiro's IP ended? Where did he settle? As a result, the copyright was obtained on the ETH chain. Where did he settle? It increased 100 times! You are not very talented, so tell me where the opportunity has settled?
3. fwog got on board within 1 hour of opening, and reached the peak, then fell and waited and saw. I saw that the artist has been painting, and has been painting. Where did he settle? 00,1000w USD bottomed out and could not fall below, and settled to 7000w. I looked at the top three meme coins with high market value on pump, and fwog was actually behind scf. It can be seen that this is one of the biggest super meme narratives on pump.

I call the entire system above the "Thirteen Flying Daggers Grand Narrative System"

I would like to add:

In the field of meme coins, in addition to the belief coins, which is what I said 3+4+5 constitutes, if there is no belief coin, then it will rise to the level of "belief".

“Under the Faith Coin, everything else is just an ordinary hot currency.”

Some IP coins that many friends like are, in my opinion, even lower than ordinary hot coins.

"You think your hobby coin is your hobby coin", it's all garbage.

The most advanced Meme coin is the faith coin, and other than that, the hot topic coin is the strongest.

Finally, let me add one more thing,

Whether it is early or not to enter the market, what is more important is actually whether you noticed this newly opened coin early or not?
Is it too early to realize this opening coin?

That is, you will become a useless monitoring system. Without sufficient information sources, no matter how good your system is, if you cannot catch any targets, you will be powerless.
1. 4~5 top WeChat groups (try to make them all paid groups with threshold verification)

2. Feishu (Those who know everything)

3. Telegram group (Jiu Ge’s crypto D’s Runyu Ge’s)

4. Telegram channel call (I specifically listed a list of foreigners, the rest are from Lianjun and Youjun, Poseidon channel is top)

5. Twitter (I have two Twitter accounts, one for Chinese people, and one for foreigners. If I hadn’t been isolated from the United States, I wouldn’t have dared to think that all the people pushing messages to me were European and American people. I didn’t even know what coin I was trading before)

6. Trading dex (Eagle website, for example, I saw the four channel at 2:30 in the middle of the night, but I couldn’t find the dog. I also went to Feishu, and even after looking at Pancake, I couldn’t find the leader. As a result, I found out the next day that Binance Dog came out at 2:30 and I sat in front of the computer until 3 o’clock. At that time, I bought the bottom of several leaders in Tron, but the next day it soared 100 times. Someone turned 100u into 10,000u. I found that Brother D’s Telegram channel shouted at 2:30, but I didn’t see it! Damn, then, I went to the Eagle website again. I wondered if I could click on the Tron chain to see the leader ranking? As a result, Binance issued the coin for 6 hours, and the transaction volume was ranked first. I was stunned. So the trading dex is similar to the increase list. For example, you need to look at http://ave.ai, the meme coin on sol: gmgn hot list, and the meme coin on eth: hot list)

7. Monitoring:

Abot software, developed by god A - although a bit expensive, it is very useful. I also observed the buying and selling points of many trading masters here, and then I realized the gap between me and them. It was not the black fans who criticized me at all.

The 13-sided ambush system is to pursue the

1+2+3+4+5+6++13 frequency resonance, if these 8 sides all generate strong signals, you may wish to open your Binance wallet. For example, if you are ready to buy 5,000 US dollars of this level of currency, then you should remember that only with this level of frequency resonance energy field, your meme is likely to make money. If any one of them fails, you can only invest by deducting 25% of the money.

1. Coin issuance environment
2. Time
4. Zhuang
5. Spreader KOL
6. Certified investment expert
7. Never make decisions on your own
8. The K line is in a downward trend (tend not to buy! Tend to avoid zero-coins! Tend to remove the trend!)
9. Can we take everything that happens in the cryptocurrency world as a clue?
10. Get rid of the dross and look forward with an empty cup
11. Analyze, analyze, and analyze again!
12. Where to settle
13.3+4+5 produces = faith (345 is space, and even 12 is time. You bought the coin very early, or the energy field where the coin was issued, that is, Bitcoin, was in a very coincidental situation, and the bottom was about to explode upwards!)

I used to invest 5000u in a coin in the Inscription Era, but the result was always zero. I was frustrated with heavy positions at that time. This system is mainly right-leaning, recognizing that the decision-making of experts and relatives and friends has a higher winning rate. Then, if the heavy position is obtained, the amount can be adjusted at any time. Some people say that some coins open very early, and there are no 5, 6, 7 other experts to assist in decision-making. Then I suggest that if you are like me, 55-50, you should reduce your position by 50%! Because I lost a lot, I used right-leaning to limit my impulse.

I am very comfortable with the left-leaning post. I mainly avoid the risk of a project with a good IP and then a rug and loss of money. In short, you must unite all forces that are stronger than you to assist you in making decisions! Always reduce making decisions alone, and watch Twitter push a coin! Then tell you that Justin Sun is rubbish! Cut leeks! Then miss the opportunity of sunwukong, a large position, which can be tripled!
Stay away from most of the group members you don’t know! Stay away from the group members you have joined countless groups! Stay away from the leeks KOL, and get close to the 10% of people who can make profits in the cryptocurrency circle. You will see
To th sun!

At 2, let me add one more:
Pinching the needle tip, I recently solpvp, and found that the profit from selling at the pinpoint is very different from the ordinary vulgar state of buying at the bottom! The difference is 30%! Later, I strongly watched the market! I kept improving myself to sell at the highest peak of the rising K line!

Yes, this peak is not the highest in the future, but it is the highest at the moment!
If you sell well now, it will become your mainstay now and even in the future!
Because if your profit is 1200u and others' 800u, the difference is huge! It's a 30% retracement from the high point.

Therefore, buying at the best price is an attitude to become a meme coin master!
There is also the idea of ​​buying at the peak and buying at the bottom, but I don’t care about this here, it’s not suitable. I only do the trend opening “going up”
Just eat this part and then you can leave.

Therefore, practice selling at the top and keep selling at high points! This can greatly increase the overall profit!
It was here that I discovered that my patience improved, my impulses were suppressed, and my sixth sense of selling at high points was strengthened. In fact, most people should learn from what the money-making kitten said:

He said: Bome missed out on opportunities, and Slerf only made money in the market. He basically didn't get any of the big explosions of all the coins later. He just used K-line technology to buy high and sell low in the market, and recently made 60wu. The results can be checked on GMN. I always think this is really awesome! Really, if we are all mediocre players without enough talent, why don't we practice?
Sell ​​similar trading technologies at the best prices to make money from market fluctuations, rather than jumping in and losing money as soon as a project becomes popular.
In the meme field, we abandon 99% of the coins that have no narrative and are not exciting enough and have returned to zero. Then we find a range at the bottom. How do we judge whether this coin will fall below? Then we use the narrative seven-star evaluation to assist in looking at the fundamentals. The fundamentals are the same as steel and Apple mobile phone fundamentals. They are good and very popular. Then we return to the basic skills of the K-line. If the bottom does not return to zero, we can buy the bottom.
My bottom fishing often ends in zero, but I think selling at the peak is within my ability. In the short term I can only follow, but training K-line trading techniques in the long term is the real skill. Here I recommend Qi Ge’s upcoming course, which includes the K-line part, and I am very much looking forward to it.