In this lesson, I hope you won't pay too much attention to those bloggers who specialize in publishing macro news. These bloggers often add subjective interpretations based on news events, which can easily lead you into emotional hype. For example, if the founder of Telegram is arrested, this is an established fact. However, some bloggers may use such events to weave a series of stories, such as "Musk supports someone, and someone supports someone", trying to incite emotions and "pump up your blood" through this information. Instead of being influenced by these subjective interpretations, it is better to directly accept the facts that have happened. In addition, I would like to remind you not to fall into conspiracy theory thinking mode too much. For example, some people may doubt whether the US economic data, such as employment data, is artificially manipulated to benefit the market and avoid stock market declines. In fact, this kind of thinking will only make you fall into unnecessary speculation instead of rationally analyzing the market. In terms of news, you can rely on some more reliable channels to obtain information, such as rhythm, Jinshi Data, Planet Daily, PAnews and other applications, which will push relevant information to you at the first time to help you quickly grasp the market dynamics. The key is to learn to discern information, stay calm, and not be swayed by emotions, subjective interpretations or conspiracy theories. Only in this way can you make more informed decisions in this market.