#WHAT_IF ( Feeling Critical


Question is #WHAT_IF ...??

What if all #Crypto may Down to the End.

World may Stop Using/trading Crypto?


Once there will be a Gap but on the other hand:

All Stored #Money (Stok) will come Market & Hands.

What if if Thousands of Billions of Dollar$ will circulate in days & people have NO to Hide?



PRICE RATES will go down & all things will become cheaper because Money Currencies are to trade Goods/Things but Big Whalles + Crocodiles are Trading Currencies only to Hide Big Stoke values.

Currency trading is a hidden Business. NOT hidden from world but Money Holders can Hide Lot of money assets (legal or illegal).

Big asset holders can move easily their shares in Country Economy can be cause of Low & High Prices & living rates.

What if if Thousands of Crypto assets turn back into regional currency?

National sources of income will be flourished.

Governments can menage their economy in better ways to relief Public.

Most of crime rates will reduce.

Much money availability will bring reforms in the market & wold will be happy once again.

As you know, today their are few counties but number of Crypto Currencies / tokens is in thousands.

Means something is tricky behind the scenes.