The inside story of Telegram founder Pavel Durov's arrest in France is exposed!
French police raided last week and arrested Telegram's helmsman Durov. He was involved in many serious crimes using Telegram! The investigation shows that since July, criminal activities have been rampant, covering money laundering, child pornography and other bad behaviors.
The mysterious figure used Telegram to get involved in illegal activities such as drug trafficking, hacking tool trading, and fraud, and Durov was involved in the judicial whirlpool.
The cryptocurrency community was in an uproar, worried about the restriction of freedom of speech. After all, Durov is a Bitcoin believer, and his property is closely linked to his faith.
French President Macron urgently clarified that this move was not a political suppression, but a necessary judicial measure, and reiterated his commitment to freedom of speech.
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But the question remains: judicial justice? Or political game? What signal does the rebound of the crypto community reveal? #Telegram创始人被捕 #Telegram创始人被捕 #新币挖矿DOGS #美联储何时降息? #BNBChainMemeCoin