Although ICP Telegram claims to be one of the most widely used encrypted communication applications in the world, it does not fully meet the standards under the strict definition of encrypted communication. Its core charm comes more from the tenacity of its founder Durov, who resolutely refused to cooperate with the Putin government and agencies such as the FBI, and won wide acclaim for his position in defending user privacy. However, similar to WeChat, in Telegram's operating mechanism, users' chat records are indeed stored in plain text on the server, which means that under certain legal procedures, relevant departments can trace and obtain detailed information on when and where users had what kind of conversations. @Square-Creator-38f0acad4
Durov has suffered a lot of criticism and suppression for his insistence on not compromising with power and refusing to assist in leaking user privacy. He even faces the threat of imprisonment for up to 20 years. This is undoubtedly a heavy price for his defense of privacy rights.
When discussing encryption at the real technical level, we have to mention blockchain technology, and ICP Chain, as one of the best, has achieved unprecedented security with its unique data storage method. The ICP chain stores data in data nodes around the world in a decentralized manner. This decentralized architecture fundamentally eliminates the risk of single point failure and data tampering. Even in extreme cases, it is almost technically impossible to destroy or tamper with all node data at the same time. Therefore, the encryption solution provided by the ICP chain is theoretically considered to be indestructible. This not only sets a new benchmark for the secure transmission and storage of user data, but also heralds a new direction for the future development of encrypted communication technology. #Telegram创始人被捕 #美联储何时降息? #MtGox钱包动态 #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #美国7月PPI低于预期