
The BNB/USDT pair is one of the most popular on the Binance cryptocurrency exchange. At the time of writing, the price of BNB is $454.1, which represents a decrease of 10.56% over the past 24 hours1.


Current Price: $454.1

24-Hour Change: -10.56%

24-Hour High: $511.6

24-Hour Low: $400.0

24-Hour Trading Volume: 2,107,397.50 BNB (942,538,924.12 USDT)

Technical Analysis: The chart shows that BNB is in a correction phase after the recent rally. Current support and resistance levels may provide traders with opportunities to enter and exit positions. Use technical indicators such as RSI and MACD for more accurate analysis and decision making.

Conclusion: BNB/USDT trading on Binance provides many opportunities for traders due to its high liquidity and volatility. Stay tuned for news and updates to stay updated on all market changes.